Monday, April 24, 2017

金屬回收 * Metal Recycling

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Metal Recycling * (Watch、Clock, parts & Electronic)

金屬回收 * (鐘錶成品、零件及電子)

本公司現金收購各類新舊鐘錶成品及物料存貨, 過期或作廢手錶鈕型電池, 石英、機械、自動機芯及手錶零件, 電子零件,廢料及廢金屬,集成電路,電容器、繼電器和機器,並提供報價服務。可接受深圳或香港交貨, 現款交易,有意者請賜電聯絡.

Our company purchases stock watches & clock, Watch battery expired & void, quartz mechanical automatic movement and all kinds of reject watches components, electronic parts, electronic wastes, metal scrap, IC, capacitors, relays, semi-finished products, machines and destruction service, We offer free quotation service. Can be accept goods on ShenZhen, cash on delivery, please feel free to contact us .

Contact / 聯系人

HK/香港:65171295 / 62363887 (Mr.Chan陳生)   



Whatsapp : 65171295 / 62363887 

郵箱/email :

東 昇 公司 Tung sing Company

Room E, 5/F Winner Factory Bldg., 55 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 

九龍觀塘鴻圖道55號幸運工業大廈5/F E

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